Saturday, February 5, 2022

My Fallow Week

Sunday began six days of coughing and sleeping, not dramatic but appropriate for GroundHog Day, the movie. I feel normal again.

Google seems to show no interest in restoring Ichabod, but other plans are hatching. Most of it will return, God willing.

I did not get the set-up finished for the new broadcasting platform - RESI - so I will use Vimeo on this blog on Sunday. Onboarding for RESI is Tuesday, two hours worth, so I am expecting a lot more support than Vimeo and Ustream/IBM before.

The worship services are being archived on Facebook at Bethany Lutheran Worship, TLH, KJV and on YouTube.

I consider opposition and censorship a good sign - that people are threatened by the truth. I would rather see the Four Freedoms from the Bill of Rights restored. There is plenty of evidence of the Bill of Rights being restored. However, when people are ignorant of the Constitution, that is much harder to accomplish.

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