Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Just Let One Thing Go Right Today - Yes!


My irritating tickle cough was starting to fade yesterday but various things were happening. One was a bureaucratic annoyance, which reminded me that it has been the same one, the same snarky style, for 20 years. I can still hear my first boss - a wonderful person - raging about the perpetrators and their arrogance toward her work. She said, "Don't take them seriously."

I was getting things done, but there was a problem with getting a bill paid online. I was assured, "That is happening all the time." The only option was to go to the credit union with Sassy and get it done there, because waiting on their help line was going to run down the battery to zero.

So I was good and tired from grading. My eyes are still healing but so much better than before - wow. I thought, "Maybe I can finish the day by resending the payment." Boom. Crash. It went through. That was such a good feeling. 

I finish each day being thankful to God for Christina and so many others. There are many opportunities for preaching the Gospel and teaching the Scriptures, thanks to the combination of the Net, social media, and fiber optic. They are the equivalent of the printing press and have turned printing into everyman's instrument for weal or woe.

I am not going to say, "I miss Christina's encouragement," because that was always 100% - especially when the apostates were at their worst. She loved the Madame Curie movie, because two married scientists worked together to discover radiation. The work was not accomplished with computers and loud boiling test-tubes, but with arduous, physical labor in breaking down the ore. Healing radiation is measured in curies.

That is how important things happen.

 Ma and Pa Kettle

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